Laser teeth whitening: Safe or not?

There is an ongoing debate for quite a long time now on whether laser teeth whitening is a safe treatment or not. Luckily we are here to clear some facts for you. 

No matter all this confusion, one thing is certain. - WE WANT A PERFECT SPARKLING SMILE!, don’t we?! Plus, let’s just admit that we are tired of normal hacks and DIYs scouted from social media. Most of which fail miserably and honestly, who has the time to actually follow these at-home whitening treatments?! 

A sure shot and convenient solution to this is LED teeth whitening. The treatment lends you sparkling white teeth. Now, before we get into further details, let’s find out why our teeth discolor in the first place?

teeth whitening

  • What Causes Tooth Discoloration?

There are two ways in which teeth discolor - 

  1. Extrinsic tooth discoloration - This kind of discoloration takes place on the outside of our teeth. There are various foods that stain our teeth such as coffee, red wine, soda, tea, berries, etc. There are various teeth whitening gels available in the market that help you destain your teeth if you are up for an urgent meeting or event. Some people also prefer to chew teeth whitening gum to instantly brighten their teeth. 

  2. Intrinsic discoloration takes place from inside your teeth. Various medical treatments, diseases, genetics, medication, aging, etc can be a reason for this. These stains are pretty hard to get rid of and most require professional treatments to fade away.

  • What is the procedure for laser teeth whitening?

First and foremost, the dentist examines the condition of your teeth thoroughly. He then fills your teeth if need be. Post this, the degree or level is discoloration is taken into consideration. This is followed by creating a customized molding of mouth trays. 

The actual process starts from this point. 

Your teeth are cleaned nicely and then the mouth trays are placed. Then, a hydrogen peroxide gel is applied to your teeth. The dentist carefully does this step to avoid the gel’s contact with your gums. 

Then, comes the LED light. It is used to cure the gel for 15 minutes. 

This entire treatment can be performed either once or multiple times. The number of sessions depends on the severity of discoloration. 

  • Advantages of LED Teeth Whitening - 

  1. It is an efficient way to gain sparkling white teeth. 

  2. The treatment can be performed at home with kits available online as well as through a professional dentist. 

  3. The results you get are simply worth it.

  4. There is no pain involved in this procedure. 

  5. It only takes a couple of hours to get this procedure done. 

  6. The treatment leaves your teeth shining bright for a good amount of weeks. 

  • Doubts related to laser teeth whitening?

Yes, there are still doubts and concerns related to this procedure as a few people have experienced unpleasant aftermaths. They include sore gums, irritation in the gum, especially in people with sensitivity. Some even claim that the treatment is expensive.

Well, let us address these concerns one by one. 

Firstly, those who experience sore gums may have their mouth trays placed in an uncomfortable, awkward position. Secondly to avoid this situation and to avoid gum irritation, make sure the professional uses a resin-based barrier. 

People who experience sensitivity might already have that problem with their teeth. The agent used in laser treatment is bound to cause sensitivity though, but only for a short span. 

Now, lastly, yes, the treatment may be expensive. All medical procedures are. A lot of precision, study, and practice is involved from the dentist’s end. Consider this as a long-term investment.

Laser teeth whitening must only be considered post consulting your dentist or any dental professional. 


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